Picture by Pedro Sadio

Commissioning a Tapestry

Encomendar uma peça personalizada é a melhor forma de conseguir uma obra de arte com todas as especificidades que procura. Uma encomenda pode ser uma variação de um trabalho anterior — nunca repito uma obra, no entanto, elementos ou cores de trabalhos anteriores podem ser um ponto de partida.

Pedidos personalizados exigem um depósito inicial não reembolsável de 50% do valor cotado. O pagamento final de 50% deverá ser pago assim que a encomenda seja recolhida/enviada.

Por favor note que este é um pequeno negócio onde tudo é feito à mão. Dedico muitas horas e muito amor a cada peça. Todas as obras feitas por encomenda vêm com certificado de autenticidade datado e assinado.

Para pedidos personalizados, colaborações ou encomendas para revenda, por favor entre em contacto por email studio@numvale.com explicando o seu conceito, projeto, ideia e/ou encomenda.

1. Visão / Vision

The process can start with a meeting where the installation will take place. If this is not possible, I can work with pictures of the space. I will ask you to give details of the type of piece you are interested in, as well as the approximate size and color palette. Any design inspirations/mood board will be very welcomed.

Nesta fase indicarei também uma estimativa do prazo de entrega que pode demorar entre 2 semanas e alguns meses. Este prazo varia consoante o tipo de artigo e a quantidade/tamanho da encomenda.

3. Projeto final / Final design

I will then produce colour renders of the piece for final sign off, and begin weaving!

6. Recolha ou envio / Shipping or pick up

Throughout the weaving process I will be sharing updates on social media so you can follow along with your piece being made. Once the commission is complete I will invoice you for the second and final instalment and send it off to you.

Commissioning a bespoke piece is the best way to get unique wall art with all the conditions you want for a specific space or occasion. A commission can be a variation of an existing design — I never repeat a piece, however, elements or color palette from previous work can be a good starting point.

Custom orders require an initial, non-refundable
deposit of 50% of the quoted amount. The final 50% balance must be payed once the order is picked up/shipped.

Please note that this is a small business where everything is handmade. I dedicate many hours and a lot of love to each piece. All commissioned wall art comes with a signed and dated certificate of authenticity.

For custom orders, collaborations or wholesale requests, please email me at
studio@numvale.com explaining your concept, project, idea and/or request.


5. Tecelagem / Weaving

Throughout the weaving process I will be sharing updates on social media so you can follow along with your piece being made. Once the commission is complete I will invoice you for the second and final instalment and send it off to you.

2. Esboços / Drafts

When I have a good understanding of your vision I begin to work on the design. This starts off with a drawing, and colour study. I normally do a mock up of the design in the space to give you a better understanding of how the piece would work. Which is then enlarged to the size required. The cartoon is placed behind the warp as a guide for weaving. Once the size, rough design and colour palette of the piece is finalised, I will invoice you for the first instalment.

4. Escolha de materiais / Choosing materials

I will then produce colour renders of the piece for final sign off, and begin weaving!